Dental Office

Serving Your Dental Needs in Delray Beach, FL

Dr. John Ritota

"Every day is a great day!"

- JR

Meet Dr. John Ritota

Dr. John Ritota graduated from Ithaca College and Georgetown University School of Dentistry. He is a member of the South Palm Beach County Dental Assn., The New Jersey Dental Assn., The American Dental Assn., and The Florida Academy of Dental Practice Administration. Dr. John has additional training in IMZ, Stryker, ITI Dental Implant System and completion of the Alabama Implant Congress. His abstract "Observation of the Auriculotemporal Nerve in Human Specimens" was presented to the American Academy of Oralfacial pain Scientific Congress on temporal mandibular disorders. Dr. John has been published in the Outstanding Young Men In America as a recipient of the Van Cliburn Award and for extensive TMJ Dental Research. Dr. John Ritota is licensed to practice general dentistry in Washington D.C., New Jersey, and Florida.

Can surgically surgically place and cosmetically restore your dental implants in one convenient location, avoiding the need to travel from office to office. We are always willing to provide a second opinion for FREE!

Has been published in Guide to America's Top Dentists.

Has been published in both the “Journal of Oral-Facial Pain” and “Dental Survey”, and have lectured extensively in the United States and Canada.

Has lectured extensively in the United States and Canada.

All Procedures in One Facility!

At Ritota & Ritota, patients are our top priority. IN PAIN? CALL US! We pride ourselves on providing the best and most comprehensive dental care possible across a wide range of services, focusing on EMERGENCY PAIN RELIEF, IMPLANTS, COSMETIC, AND GENERAL DENTISTRY.

From teeth whitening, invisible braces and smile makeovers to immediate implants and dental emergencies, we practice the OLD-FASHIONED WAY; treating you as a person; not a chart number!

Delray Dental Staff
Atlantic Ave Magazine Feature

Now Celebrating 44 YEARS in the Same Location!

Proudly celebrating our 44th year in the same location. Conveniently located at the Boca Raton, Delray Beach City line on Federal Highway. Click the button below to view an amazing January 2020 article about Drs. Ritotas' 40 years in business as featured in the Atlantic Ave Magazine.

Start Your Journey Today

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